The major strength of our company’s operation, is in the process that is used in developing the project management outcomes. This process has a number of key ingredients
Close consultation with the most senior management of the client organisation.
Utilisation of data to enable quantitative analysis of risk.
Site visits to observe the work environment and systems of work.
Extensive consultation with the union, health and safety representatives and staff.
Regular communication with the project management team.
Currently the diversity of work falls into five main areas. These are:
WHS consulting
These primarily are one off consulting projects to assist in the resolution of mainly WHS including ergonomic related problems within the diversity of industry sectors.
WHS training
This covers a wide range of WHS areas including:
- WHS roles and responsibilities to meet WHS legislation
- Development and implementation of WHS policies and procedures
- Management of contractors
- Job safety analysis
- Manual handling
- Fatigue management
- Workplace bullying and occupational violence
Government funded projects
Currently our company is appointed to a range of government panels to provide independent consulting and research advice.
Legal representation
Providing expert witness advice.
Architectural reviews
Work with architects, client groups and their associated stakeholders to provide an WHS input into the planning and commissioning phase of new buildings and facilities.
Major Work Activities
A review was undertaken of over 650 reported cases of bullying to the Government Regulator in WHS were assessed and the background to each case was reviewed for compliance with the legal definition of bullying as well as the range of actions taken by the Regulator and other Agencies to assist the parties involved.
David travelled to Singapore for Ministry of Manpower to review their WHS Leadership Framework. This involved interviewing 18 CEOs and C-Suite Leaders and facilitating workshops for 60 Senior Managers, WHS Professionals, and Supervisors.
David Caple and Rick Hodgson were the Facilitators of the Safe Work Australia industry consultation process for the National WHS Strategy (2012-2022) including workshops in all Australian states with Governments, Unions, Employers and WHS professionals.
Our company has facilitated a range of health and safety strategies and action plans for major private and government corporations across Australia. This has involved working with Boards of Directors, CEOs and executives together with the staff in integrating health and safety strategies as part of the overall business direction.